Thank you gentlemen! Refreshing vibe at this forum!! And I may be exaggerating at 18%bf. I had no fat before bulking. My bulk included a gallon of whole milk per day. I went from 149 to 180. My deadlifts skyrocketed, my squats skyrocketed (had a division one strength and conditioning coach...
Thank you Dylan and Rick. I have a lot to learn. My extents of cycles has been kept pretty basic. Testosterone, EQ and HGH are what I have experience with. Right now I'm finishing up my current 18 week cycle of 600ml test E and 700ml of eq. Put on about 30 lbs. not all clean as I was eating like...
40 year old Dad of 3 girls and another (last) on the way. I'm just here to gain knowledge as I've only ran a few basic cycles over the past couple of years. My stats are: