Running test prop and tren ace at 50mg each eod is pretty safe. If you don't like how it feels, you jump off. The esters are so short and it can be so in and out, I don't think there is much to worry about.
Tren can be run after a few cycles. You don't have to try everything first. Find out how you respond and both low and higher test doses and try another nandrolone.
Re: Super Test 450 & Boldenon Acetate
Dosing test past 250 doesn't make a whole lot of sense as PIP increases when dosing goes up. Why not just use 250 and take as much as you want?
Bold Ace does seem interesting in theory, in fact, beautiful in theory. However, in the real world, it is not...
Test should be dosed weekly, not bi-weekly for TRT. With that said, having some aromasin on hand when and if you need it is a good idea.
Deca at 250mg each week isn't so bad that you should just jump on caber but you should definitely get some just in case.
Great write up. The reason that we only offer Ace and Enth Tren versions is because they are really all that matter.
In my opinion, use Ace to find out how you respond and then Enth all the way, if you are a good responder.
Mast is like liquid DHT and it's benefits are as such. If you are not under 10% BF, you will still benefit from masteron's effects but you will not see the visible changes that it can make for the lean gents.
Anavar only cycles are best for the ladies.
In order to get the most from it, as a man, running some test alongside and well past the anavar will solidify the gains you make.