Test 400 did that to my shoulders... 2 to 3 days after pinning I wouldn't even be able to sleep on my sides.. I had 3 different sites to give myself 3 weeks to heal. I never bought 400 again lol. I hit my ventro Friday idk if it's from being a new site or what but I have mild swelling. Easy to...
Good stuff bro.. last time I ran tren I was running it at 400 and I hit a plateau so I raise it to 500 and it was awesome.. so this time Im running it at 600 and seeing all good signs. If I were to lower the dose how would it effect my blood levels gains ect?
375 test e by radjay and 600 tren e by vermodje. I started to get bloated from the test. Then the tren cut down the water. Strength is at an all time high. Libido is as strong as viagra. I'm loving this gear
5th week in and already broke my old max on bench of 320.. when I started my cycle I was at around 290 on bench. This morning I hit 315 with ease and then 325. And I'm sick on tip of that!