After or even during my bulk I want to lose my love handles and a pinch of belly fat that covers my bottom 2 abs.. what's the best way to lose this.. it's the hardest weight in the world for me to lose
Yea after you dehydrate yourself. Ufc fighters do it all the time.. but I'm 5'6. I don't think I can hold 30 lbs of water or I'd be rolling instead of walking
Yea I can cruise. I've been on for a year and a half this time already..I really want to try it out.. I took it with deca once but didn't see the results I hear about so I wanna try it out one more time
Looks like I stirred something up.. sorry I missed it I was feeding the kiddos. Lots of good info on both sides. I've never ran a pct although I thought about it after this cycle but I think I'm gonna cruise a little due to the fact I don't have any pct on hand lol. Never needed it. One thing...
I'm 5 weeks in with 375 mg test e and 600 tren e. I know people use it as a kicker but I thought maybe I'll add a little more mass with my cycle at full swing. What do you think
At work they started calling me big swole. I'm the lead guy on the floor so call it floor chief then one day it went to chief swole and has stuck ever since