Just normal stuff actually.. the big hype is supposed to be that's it's made with Russian raws instead of China raws.. they saw it's a huge difference.. Idk. I won their Halloween contest so I have some 4 test 3 eq and 100 drol that should be here today. I'll be able to make a quality review...
My order took 2 weeks... postal services fuck up on the daily. Trust me my mom and sister work there and I hear all about it.. it has nothing to do with the source. All they can do is ship it. It's in the carriers hands after that.. I've had bay cards take a month to get here from TX to TX...
I didn't even think about just adding one more pin.. but I'll probably just got to walmart and get some 5mls I don't want to disturb the blood levels by switching up routine
200... I want to pin 600 a week.. theres no way I can get out of 2 pins unless I go get 5ml syringes... but if I take shots at the same time would you switch muscles?
Ok that sounds more reasonable. But I pin 3/4 ml test and 1 1/2 ml of tren and if I add 1 1/2 eq that's 3 3/4 ml so how would you pin it using a 3 ml syringe? 2 shots with eq by itself? What about site... 2 different muscles?
R24 is gtg bro.. I had the same issue with radjay.. they were out of tren e so they sent me vermodje tren so I wouldn't have to wait.. no complaints here. Great people great customer service no delays and great gear.. anything he sends you will be top notch. Pin away my friend
2 or 3 times a week? I was told by source sending it to pin eod. That more frequent pins were his personal preference. I pin test and tren e every 4 days.. eq has a longer half life so why would it need to be pinned more frequently?