Have them check for your prolactin it doesnt hurt to ask them. as for estro I would run aromasin 12.5 ed for 4 days then eod. when I first went on trt i was 19% BF and my estro went up to 58 i did this protocol in which dylan laid out for me and my estro dropped to 20 then I dropped my BF and...
Tony is cool, I always use insulin needles for my cruise which is less then .5ml anything over can be a pain in the butt no pun intended pushing the oil through a slin takes forever. when i blast 3ml full of oils I will not use 3 separate slins. There is no difference in abosrbtion but...
ok I would start with 30mg a day but have Armosin in hand for sure. I am not etsro sensitive even when I run test 600mg a week but I always have an AI and Caber on hand. As prolactin watch I beg to differ with everyone as I believe it is a myth I agree with Dr. Todd Lee watch his youtube video...
12 weeks is recommend for test my reasoning is let your receptors take a break. What happens is think of your receptors are a parking lot when your lot is full it’s like trying to park 2 cars in one spot
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