Thinking of running this cycle. What’s everyone’s take on this?
I’m 41 210lbs prob 12% Bf. Have been running gear for 4 years now. Currently running trt. I’ve run tren a few times but never npp. Thanks
Can I get a break down of the pros and cons of these 3 compounds? Considering running one of them in the future with my next Tes Eq blast in a couple months! Been running gear for 2 years now while crossfitting. Currently on trt and lately have been mixing some globo gym in with my CrossFit...
Hey guys I'm gonna be traveling to mexcio next week for vacation don't wanna go off cycle when I'm down there. whats the best method to take 3 pins down there? not looking to bring any back thanks
I had gotten improper guidance. Found this site after I had started my cycle and posted here what i was running. Dylan told me it was wrong so I changed it
I have 3 new bottles of test E. Can I use that instead of test C? I used E last cycle and loved it. What are the benefits of deca? Never ran that before. I've ran all those sarms and loved them!