Since both Nolva and Clomid are SERMS are you able to just run one or the other in SARMS PCT?
Also should an AI be run even without any sides indicated? Are there benefits in terms of getting test levels back to normal?
Lastly when should Tongkat be run?
I gave this more thought and did some more research. Given that I show no other symptoms, I'm going to give it another week and see what the next blood test says. If it's still low, then I'm going to pause my cycle for 4 weeks and run the PCT then restart. This sucks as I was making gains - I...
Hey RR. Thanks so much for the response.
I have no symptoms so far. I'm getting a full blood Panel tomorrow so should have all other numbers by Tu/We next week. Balls are fine, erections and libido seem normal, energy and workouts fine, and still going up in strength. Took all my measurements...
Hey Dylan. This was my regular doc...standard "family doc". Not a specialists and very fucked up indeed. It was questionable when it occurred in the first place.
As for my current situation, are you agreeing that a FULL PCT now is what I should do and STOP my SARMS Stack? If a FULL PCT...
I'm 3 weeks in. So I have 9 left. Will having low test during my cycle f' up my results? Would it be better to pause for 4 weeks - get it back and then restart for 12 weeks?
I really want to get to the root of this and get it back to normal. Of course he only ordered the Testosterone test to see what came of the 200mg injection, so I don't have the others numbers (LH and FSH). I'm requesting a full panel asap. I'm going to order myself as I need to wait until...
Hey guys.
Been running SARMS for 3 weeks today (LGD, RAD, S4, GW, and MK2866). Received my testosterone level test on 5/1 and it's at 55 (extremely low).
3/31 - Test @ 555.8
4/6 - Doctor gave me testosterone shot of 200mg (like a dumbass) because I told him I felt sluggish and such so we...
Completely agree. I was a skinny kid @ 150 in high school and play 0 sports. I sucked. Then when I was 22 I started lifting - heavy shit and eating a lot - and crappy food too like McDonalds QPC's x2 daily, etc and drinking a ton. Even then I grew to 205lbs. I squatted a max 405 and benched 315...
That would severely impact my cycle with about 4-5 weeks of planned travel during my 12 week cycle. It is limited to 3.4 oz, so I should be good - but going to try and make it less obvious as stated to Dylan.