I had heard of keto years ago just never considered it because I thought carbs are simply essential but when I think about it logically I think it will be perfect for me even for 4 months, to just strip fat off.
I genuinely would say im in that 2% group i cant think of anyone as carb...
Ive started a keto diet went from approx 4000kcal bulk to this 2700kcal keto diet with 20g carbs (from fibreous veg only) 40% protein and 60% fats.
Very excited about doing it long term and seeing results from it because past few years when im trying to cut I always have carbs involved...
Starting a PCT on monday and need MK2866 and GW501516. Local supllement shop has Falcon Labs brand has anyone used them before?
There all tablet form where as, the SARMX ones are liquid drops and about 3 times more expensive.
How can I tell if Falcon Labs ones are good quality or just...
The results on the paper will be terrible. Is 8 weeks really required Dylan I mean the cycle was only 8 weeks?
Either way ill do the PCT and full organ detox.
I know I didnt take “4 weeks of dbol max” seriosuly and ive learnt the hardway. Ive started taking milk thistle and a thing called active charcoal around week 6 also 500mg vitamin b6 for to lower prolactin as much as possible.
And yes 1mg arimidex EoD from the start and went up to 1mg Everyday...
Age: 28. Been playing football since age 6 at amateur level but quit few years ago and now just weight training for 4/5 years.
186cm and 97kg at moment
Also I am getting bloodwork done tommorow what all should I ask to specifically find out?
Blood pressure
Red blood cell count?
Prolactin and cortisol levels?
Is it possible to tell liver and kidney health from bloods?
Sorry guys should gave yous more info but ive been watching a ton of dylans videos on liver and kidney problems while on cycle and cycle doses and lenghts etc. This is alot of new info (not all new I had general idea) but I think I know why im getting these problems now.
I was supposed todo 12...
Hello RickRock
I posted a thread earlier about blood pressure and cholesterol but it said an administrator had to accept the thread to post it. Are you able to accept it
Hello all
Ive been running a cycle for about 8 weeks now Ive got another 6 to go but I think im starting to encounter some problems relating to the cycle.
Lately ive been getting tingling in my hands and feet, fatigue, shortness of breath, and terroble insomnia but Im using tren so have to...
Related to this current cycle but regarding HCG and libido
During week 4 and 5 which I was using Test Prop and Dbol, I noticed a drop in libido. The source that I get my steroids from suggested 2 shots of HCG (500 IU each shot) one in week 5 and one in week 6. Along with clomid x1 day for 10...
I used clen last summer for a cut just to get lean for holidays and it works wonders but I had more side effects of it than any steroids ive used. I was constantly sweating and shaking especially in the hands. My heartrate was alot higher than normal. The problem I found was that when I quit...
Great post RickRock! Do you think L-Carnitine 4g a day or so is beneficial on a IF diet to help use up your body fat more efficiently during the fasting period of the day?