Hey dylan and all,
Im planning my PCT in advance here just wanted help because I dont have your youtube videos to reference to anymore for this kind of info so wondering if you can help me out
Im on week 11/of a 16 week cycle with Test, EQ and Deca. Long esters so ill give it 2 weeks after...
Thanks guys its really hard to verify the accuracy of any source tbh though
PS to Kael; I just choose deca because I used it before and I dont get much side effects of it and worked great for me. The first half of the cycle was bulk the second half is now cutting phase but im keeping deca for a...
Also im currently IF on a 18/6 window (started at 16/8) might push it out to 20/4 as time progresses.
But if im eating twice a day and my total protein is 250/270g with a 210ib bodyweight @ 15bodyfat, theres a massive amount of protein per meal. Its all slow digesting proteins apart from whey...
Hey guys
Seen this video, does bccaa's really reduce fatloss when cutting? Im taking about 40/50g a day while cutting
Should I eliminate them altogether when cutting?
Ofcourse but its always been of my belief that, at maintenance or above you'll make muscle and strength gains. And the more above maintenance you consume the more results you will get (until you reach too many calories and its becomes overkill and fat gain)
But when your below maintenance, you...
Sorry what I mean is, will I be able to continue to add strenght over the next 4 weeks with the deca if im lowering overall calories (only cautiously however maybe 2/300 and adding a bit more cardio nothing crazy)?
Hey dylan I was looking to check over some of your old videos that I watched before but just wanted to refresh my knowledge regarding certain things. Then remembered your YT is still blocked. Its absoloutely disgraceful on Youtubes part not to have your excellent informations and guideance...
Hey guys
Ive got a mild ish case of gyno, when im on 1mg arimidex a day its not too bad but if i drop down to one eod its gets more noticable immon 500mg test a week but regardless of all this, ive got gyno from previous cycles and basically im prone to it. Sometimes, particularily in cold...
Hey guys
Currently been on a cut past 2 week and losing fat which is great, basically im taking it slow and steady with some days eating at maintenance 3000kcal or so, but the intense weightlifting and MISS cardio mean im still losing fat, then some days ill go lower carbs and with about...
I ended this after just 3 days, I was taking 50mcg t3 and 40mcg clen. The clen was horrible I felt like a heart attack was coming on me if I continued, and had read more into t3 I just thought its pointless for me in my situation, im not prepping for any competitions etc. Just trying get in...
28 yos been training about 4 years this is my 4th cycle.
Test 400mg week
Eq 600mg week
Tren 400mg week
Mk677 25mg day
Dbol 20mg day wk 1-4
Winstrol 30mg day wk 1-4
Arimidex 1mg day
Im using arimidex 1mg a day so estorgen should be fine, I tried to get caber I emailed 2 sources but theyre both in USA and im in UK and was a problem getting it ordered. Very hard to find caber in UK
Hey guys
Im 2 1/2 weeks into tren test and eq cycle and everytime I cycle tren, after about 18/20 days I suddenly lose libido and I cant even get a erection no matter what. Why is this and what can I do to counter the problem
Hey guys
I was thinking of starting a cycle of T3, Clen and probably some sort of thermogenic preworkout/caffeine supplement like OxyPro Elite just for that extra kick.
Im already 2 weeks into a recomp cycle of test tren and eq, with winstrol.
I know alot of yous on here dont like clen/t3...
I think your right Ricknto a degree I usually wouldnt of attempted the weight I did today but felt good and rested so just went for it thinking the cycle would help me push through it, which as you say probably isnt really true. Theres definately a good 5kg instant gain though
This is 2nd time using tren but never noticed strenght like that before mainly because I wasnt focusing on strenght and my diet was accommodating it. Diet and training must be in check first
Hey guys
Not a questions just wanted to share this so people maybe thinking of starting tren cycle who have never done it before can gauge just how powerful it is. Ive been on tren since yesterday took x2 50mg shots and my squat jumped by 15kg instantly im absoloutely blown away. My target was...