So I did an 8 week blast with test p, npp and anavar. I am on TRT (been on for 3 years now) so I just went back to my prescribed dosage which I also maintained throughout the blast. So it looked like this:
Test C 180mg ew
Test P 100mg eod 1-8
NPP 100mg eod 1-8
Anavar 50mg ed 1-6
Prior to...
This is my second review of Domestic-Supply. I have been on TRT for about 3 years and run two blasts, and my wife and I decided we wanted to try for another kid. I had more than one doctor tell me since being on TRT for so long without being on HCG consistently, it would be difficult or...
Thank you for laying that all out, much appreciated! The only thing I should have added is that I am on TRT, so there will not be a need to PCT. Looking forward to getting this cycle going!
Would you suggest adding in any sarms? I?m probably gonna leave the EQ out. RAD-140 possibly? I?ll admit I have not researched sarms as much as I have other PEDs.
I purchased ZPtropin (HGH) from and recently had bloods drawn. I injected 10iu and had blood drawn 3 hours later to check serum levels and got excellent results. I have been using 2iu ed for about 2 months and have already seen some improvement in my joints...
What about stacking them as suggested above? Something like:
Week 1-14
Test E 300mg ew
Deca 300mg ew
EQ 500mg ew
Week 1-4
Tbol 50mg ed
Week 1-14
Test E 300mg ew
Deca 400mg ew
Week 1-4
Tbol 50mg ed
Dylan, what are you thoughts on EQ compared to deca for a lean bulking cycle? I have read a lot of different opinions on EQ. I know it needs to be run at a higher dose, 500+ per week.
I was thinking about doing something like that with the addition of tbol or anavar.
Something like:
1-14 test 300 deca 400 ew
1-4 tbol 50mg ed
Then back to TRT dose.
Really interested in trying Primo, but damn it?s spendy. What does it need to be run at to be effective? I think I read 600+ a week?
I have some expired tbol that I could add in. Never used it before. Been stored in a temperature controlled room in a dark cupboard. Balkan is the lab.
I?m trying to plan my third cycle. Previously I?ve run two 8 week blasts. I?ve used Test C (TRT), Test P, NPP and Anavar. I?m switching clinics so I?ll be able to run long esters this time around and pin less, which I look forward to.
What was your favorite stack for lean mass?
So I have been on 2iu ED for about 2 months now. I have already seen improvement in joints, etc., but wanted to test to verify. I injected 10iu and got blood drawn 3 hours after. Here are the results.