Why all the hate? You can't expect someone to know the amount of time, effort and $$$ you put into looking sooo sexy.
Take them to the gym on leg day, and when they can't walk for a week...
Are these still in effect? If so I apologize for an swearing, and will stop.
The following rules are in place and very strict.
No bashing members.
No attacking members.
No attacking newbies.
No swearing.
No racism.
No recreational drug talk.
1st violation = Warning
2nd violation = Banning...
Two for one is pretty good, but I think I'll hold out for no sales tax. J/K Bro.
Do you have any of that injectable prami I hear rumors about?
IMHO you should have a hyperlink to http://www.hipocampus.me/shop/ in your sig, so lazy fucks like me don't have to copy and past.
How about a first cycle discount. Everything you need, test, AI, PCT., that way when "this is my first cycle" threads come up you can say this is everything you need minus needles, food, and gym time. If you want to run a stack on your first cycle, add these sarms... Plus a first time oral only...
15 WTF! Everyone knows you're too young for gear, you should always start off with just insulin and cheque drops, if you can't grow on that this lifestyle isn't for you. And you will need a good pct. I recommend halo.