Should I still use the aromasin in conjunction with the raloxifene? I also only pinned 150mg of enanthate last week to get it under control. I would have thought that 25mg of aromasin daily would have stopped it. I've been using the mk for 4 days now @25mg dosed in the am. Hope it works soon...
Ok guys...upped aromasin to 25mg daily for the past 6 days. Tissue behind left nipple is still hard and hurts. Does appear smaller though. I cut off the npp like 10 days ago. Have 0 appetite so I started using PE mk-2866 to see if this helps. This cycle has been a total fail. Sux ass. Merry...
Ok...I'm using NPP @ 100mg eod. Guess I'm just prone to this shit. It's aggravating. I've been using caber .5 twice per week. This is at least the size of a ping pong ball
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I know that 12.5mg EOD is the standard dosing protocol, but to what point? Meaning is that a good dose up to 600mg? 1000mg?
I know everyone is different, but I'm only hitting 600mg weekly and 12.5 just isn't cutting it. Heat and painful lump behind left pec. Feels hotter anyway. So, i bumped...
This has probably been done a thousand times over. .but I started my bulk about 6 weeks ago and just started a cycle of test, npp, and t bol. Since I started, I literally have no appetite. It's my 1st run with it and any answers/opinions would be appreciated.
36 yo
14% bf
All I know was that I was a fat ass slob, lost the weight the right way...and now want to bulk the right way...with a little help. Customs is Killin me over here;)
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Any idea as to how long they wait before sending a letter? It's a source here and I know they'll make it right but I'm sure they will want proof of seizure before they will resend
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How long would your pack sit in customs before you would consider it lost? It's been in chicago since 11-14-15. Wonder if it's my paranoia..just never sat there that long
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Just received these today. Ordered 10 vials of tren 75 and 5 of them have these floating chunks and a layer of chunky film on bottom of vial. Have never seen tren like this. Thoughts?
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