Not sure where to post this at but I'm running another SARMs cycle. I'm 30yrs old and running pretty much what I ran before for 12 weeks. Everything is from Pure Essence (ISARMS).
LGD at 10mg a day
S4 50mg split between am and pm
Ostraine 25mg a day
Last time I added S4 for the last 4 weeks of...
It has definitely helped me keep that endurance and stamina up with minimal to no loss of gains. I'm loving it. I really appreciate the advice on adding it to the PCT, from both you and Rick.
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I'm on day 3 of adding it and I feel pretty good, but it's still early. I know I will definitely feel it in a week or two.
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I'm currently on my PCT from my first SARMS cycle, which I'm running for 4 weeks, then I'm going to take a 2-3 week break before moving into my next cycle.
I see a lot of recommendations to run GW with PCTs. Can I add GW to my current PCT even though that will be part of the cycle I'm going to...
I'd have to go with 10 like everyone here. I read a lot, watch tons of different videos from everywhere. Some sources are reliable some not so much, but the reliable information I come across always matches up with what the more experienced guys and gals say. So I don't really go anywhere else...
After and Before this cycle. I know backward lol. Just wanted to show of Pure Essence SARMs.
Roughly a 100lb increase on the three major lifts over a 12 week cycle. I'm definitely stoked about the results
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I finished my stack yesterday. It was definitely a blast. I'm sitting at 200lbs which is a 20lb increase from where I was at. I've increased my bench press from 225 as a max to 315 as a max. Squatting went from 310 to 405. And my deadlift from 350 to 455.
I also increased in definition but not...
Serms or Sarms bro? If you're talking about Sarms then yes they're legit. I'm taking nothing but Sarms and made awesome gains. Check out my Healing Stack for pics and what I've taken for this cycle bro.
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Yea. I've made awesome gains and it's helped with the tendinitis as well. It hasn't cured it but has allowed me to squat and do leg day again without the pain coming from my tendon.
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Its been a bit since I posted, got caught up with Thanksgiving and everyday work piling up due to another school coming my way however I wanted to post an update.
So far awesome results. As I have said before definitely made noticeable gains to the point that some of my bros have shopped Pure...