Goes for all of them and brother honestly if your asking this type of question you need to forget about halotestin for now thats the strongest oral steroid and definitely not for begginers I would say do a test cycle if you add an oral start slow like Tbol nice lean gains and strength no need...
Halotestin will give more temporary strength and is good for a powerlifting meet or MMA match also harden the physique for bodybuilding and is very toxic and only too be used for short periods . anadrol will make you strong and you will keep a lot of it if your nutrition is right because it...
If your nuts are still on par too go full blast and just waiting for the pituatry too give the go ahead why give it another reason too stop LH production .
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Depends on the cycle but 12 weeks of test only no it not . It helps too reverse testicular atrophy from extended periods of shutdown grabs your balls bro did they shrink if not just pct huh creates it own negative feedback if you didn't stay shutdown too the point of atrophy its overkill
Thin is a good Dude I've dealt with him multiple times and he has been the type of source you want too do business with .I'm very familiar with what goes on behind the scenes with UG labs and its not always perfect .Thin is the kind of strait up dude that will go out of his way for his customers...
Gw isn't a fat burner it has nutrient partitioning trates that make it assist fat loss but it isn't a stimulant or direct thermogenic .so yes that is fine .
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I'm not a s arms user but I like GW its not really a sarm at all its a par6 agonist and I love having it in there no its not necessary but it sure helps If budget isn't a concern I would only take it out for a couple weeks at the beginning of a cycle just too resensitize too it then back on...
I'm not a sarms guy if that's what your after I'm sure Dylan or rick will chime in there I'm more For AAS but I generally work with bodybuilders
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Recomp recomp recomp and RECOOOOMMMMPPP . the word bulking needs too disappear because it is generally an excuse too get fat . you should always be striving for bigger and leaner . If your eating clean and in a reasonable surplus at 15 percent you should end up leaner by adding muscle without...
60 is good for Tbol too be effective and Instill split dose but Tbol is one you don't have too half life is like 16 hours or something.
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Those macros are off a bit for lean gains . what is you calorie maintenance I would go down on the fats to 15 . 40 protein and 45 carbs. As long as your saying at or slightly above maintenance and eating clean you won't gain fat from this it will build muscle faster . carbs raise insulin and you...
No actually and most guys don't know this I'm sure a few will pop up and argue. But Nolvadex ( Tamoxifin ) is not the best in the world for recovery post cycle Clomid is very effective at restarting the HPTA but a rise in estrogen even if not that high in complete absence of testosterone will...
You never get the same results over and over especially if the last was your first cycle . that would be nits if you could . I went from 230 at 12 percent body fat with ok abs minor vascularity too 254 shredded and stage ready on my first cycle . if I could duplicate that a couple more times I'd...
It access fat for fuel as well as assist in nutrient partioning for increased energy output so you never get that ugh out of gas feeling . Idirectly this optimal redirection of fuel consumption cause increased fat loss . Its a nice indirect effect not the sole purpose
Sent from my LG-H830...
Cardarine GW will greatly (ASSIST) in fat loss however Diet Diet Diet is number 1 I sound redundant but so many people forget this so if your not loosing and fat on your own and you add this chances are you still won't . but If your loosing 2 lbs on your own a week you could easily double that...