Nice. CBBRAM what do you suggest on a HGH Cycle. IU's per day and days per week, Length on cycle.
Thinking of starting HGH for health and fat loss.
47 YO been on and off gear for 20 years but never used HGH
It's simple to but not others I guess.
1. Why do we allow them to move and stay in our country.
2. If they don't like us (americans) then leave. It's really that simple. No excuses, no BS, no nothing. Follow our rules, speak english, read the bible or get the fuck out!!!!
Sorry I'm just so...
I had it done 7 years ago. I was so bad that I looked like I had cone tits. Anyway when they did mine the Dr. sucked out so much of my chest fat that he stole my freaking chest from me. He took the glands out of both nips so I get no tender nips now when on gear.
Wished he would have left a...
Come on..... Why does the media blow shit up like this. Any where they can find something to blame.
How about just telling the truth. He was turned down for the police academy for telling the truth and it pissed him off and being the coward...
I agree Bio started this past week. It's taken 2 years to get in this trailer park, beer gut shape so it can't be fixed in 1 month. Hit the gym 3 days this week and I can't hardly freaking move. Been here before though. As I tell my wife it's a pleasurable pain!
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