i know he likes tes/mast/winny and even var.
but most of that comes from the kitchen. BF levels cannot stay i below 10% if your not eating right.......so dont think you can run x compound or 3 compounds and be below 8% bf.
you do need anabolics, but your going to need a real diet too man.
i know its not quite the same but im an insomniac and i cycle. I get a sleep study every year.....whether i like it or not....lol....which turns out jack shit info but the doc still wants to do it every year.
i try to keep my hormones stable (yes i know we purposely move tes up n down), try...
bloods ASAP man.
know wtf this is. like take a half day off work tomorrow and get bloods from one of the private spots online and then post results so everyone can put in their 2 cents.
the tes & tbol are really going to bring fast change. you have a lot of anabolics, but the potency of those 2 are much beyond everything else. The LGD @ 10mg is close, but your just a the tip of the ice berg.
aromasin + prov will do a good amount of work, but adding mast is a whole new game.
I dont think he's going to write you a script for that tho......just too risky on his end ( but idk, maybe he's that kind of doc ) but ive never seen a guy with a trt based masteron script online in 8yrs...
i know its a bit progressive for most.......& its more than a lot of guys are willing to do, cuz things like boz & late nights are out of the picture. Bloods are done monthly.....but here you go
man, did you get a sh!tty taste of shytown than bud
everytime i travel, i lose about .5lbs a day, the food everywhere else just doesnt measure up. LA, NYC, & everywhere between. FLA is the worst tho.....wow
add them in now.
you dont need to wait, your going to need to run a mini pct afterwards. wait 6wks, then you can repeat if you wish. but pct + time off equals time on. Sarms are a bit different tho.
i really like T bol. its pretty much helladrol/hdrol/halo/anything h based in name.
takes 10 days to really work and then strength shoots up, very dry and pct isnt a killer. With the sarms its going to make it much more "complete" in a sense.