well i was a lot like you earlier in my AAS career.
I was going to prove all the older vets wrong about GH and being 26. i was going to show them that i could get good gains from it, even at 3-4iu.
Sad to say, they were all right. Unless you can afford to make an M5 lease payment every...
you should be able to have a kid no problem.......exo tes....now thats another story.
LGD/osta, etc shouldnt be an issue unless you plan to stay on them a long, long time.
they will have solid stuff. Some of those online pharma's are hit or miss. Thats why i listed like 6....
Some have everything but their pricing is $$$. Im confindent in PE, they will come threw with good stane, letro & ralox.
T4 is about 25/30% as strong as T3. T4 converts to t3 in the body.
no matter how many mg of anabolics you are on, do not take more than 175mcg T4, or 75mcg T3 in a day. I dont care if your on 1g of tes & tren each.
dont go past those doses. Also coming off, you need to slowly taper down...
Uto....The Mrs is here.....
im just giving you a lil shit.
I talk with Dylan here and there and knew about your wedding months ago. Glad it went well.....As did your pic's
To give you god's honest truth, he was dam excited months and months ago. Good to have you here with us too. Welcome
your going to have to look them over, search for what you need and then review the payment process to make sure your GTG with it.
this is just a list ive made up. Again, do your own research on them before you cough up a few hundo.