As title says I will have aromasin, nolva, and letro cycle for 2-3 weeks. I was wondering what is the proper dose for letro?
I am planning to run;
Nolva 20mg ed
Aromasin 12.5 mg ed
And Letrozole? I heard optimal dose is 2.5mg ed. But should I directly start with this dose? Or start with a...
Thanks for helpful suggestions. I am looking forward to run MK-677 for at least 8 months. During this 8 months, I may only run S4 and GW. While doing
pct for S4, I will keep the MK running on right? This time I will try higher dose on S4 because 60mg ed did not give me bad side effects and my...
Like I said, I think my heart started to beat faster after the SARMs cycle. I, however, am not sure about this.
I will stay away from anything that would effect heart beats. Like caffeine, clen etc.
Hello everyone,
As title says, this will be my 2nd Sarms cycle. I've done stack of S4, Ostarine, GW, and partial SR-9009(I had to stop this because of the hunger issue). I was cutting and I definitely loved the effect that I get from S4 and Ostarine. However my heart beats faster now and this...
One word: AMAZING. Kodiak cakes Made my breakfast easy, fast, and DELICIOUS. 1/2 cup of mix has 190 calories, 2gr fat, 30gr carbs(3gr sugar, 5gr fiber), and 14 gr protein(whey protein isolate, wheat protein etc). I add one scoop of whey protein into this mix and shake it very well with about 4oz...
I have Yohimbine HCL in hand. Bought it bogo free sale about 2-3 months ago. I may start using this during my cutting stack. If it don't work the way I want, I can try ECA as you said.
20 g of carbs is too low in my opinion. You can do 300 protein , 250 carbs and 60 fat. This should make up to 3000. I usually have a higher carb meal about an hour before workout and I get insane pumps...
I really feel so good during my workouts and like I said I got bigger lol I might try ECA since I am no longer taking any preworkouts. I will definitely check it out. Thanks :)
This sounds good. In the breakfast I have this Kodiak Protein Pancake mix. I add a scoop of whey into the mix and make it pretty good starting meal. But I will try to prepare foods in advance. Thanks :)
You will love the stack man. And yeah I can understand the financial reasons for SR-9009. You will need 3 bottles for 8 weeks... The only problem is that hunger issue lol I eat a huge ass brown rice, chicken breast with roasted broccoli and about 1-2 hours later I get hungry again lol