Hi all. So this question relates to my post cycle bloods and concerns I have going forward about maintaining my cardiovascular health while continuing to be able to cycle intelligently and carefully.
Age: 33
Height: 5'7
Weight: 180
Body fat %: Not sure, probably about 15%
Years of...
Leeman is young and not considered especially bright among strength athletes. My experience as someone who lifts and talks primarily with strongmen and PL IRL but electronically with almost all bodybuilders (or people with bodybuilding goals) here, my experience is that PL/Strongmen tend to be...
Must confess I can't do it myself, my GF who's a vet tech so very used to IM injections does it. I'm not afraid of needles, it's doing it to myself. I think I'd be freaked out doing it to someone else too.
Robolics question:
I've asked him to price a kind of unique tri-boldenone + sustanon blend totally 300mg bold Esters and 100mg sustanon Esters per ml - amounting to 400mg per 1ml.
I've never done a concentration that high, has anyone else? Also I guess Bold Cyp and Bold Ace are harsh pip...
Great info thanks. Which ester is known for the bad PIP, ace or cyp or both? PIP with inj dbol was pretty awful, but it's the only PIP I've experienced so I can't compare. It was like someone was putting a cigar out on an open wound and I had to rotate it so glute, quad, tricep, deltoid...
Wondering if anyone has experience running bold cyp or bold ace on shorter cycles than the typical 16-24wk that's necessary with bold undecylenate? Would you get something out of it at 10 or 12 weeks? Thanks
There are dosing guides all over the internet and test and bold are super common compounds. You're going to get a negative reaction when you ask people to do all the work for you.
All I'm going to say bc it is true regardless of stats - is you need pure Testosterone with the Tbol, no matter what else you do. Never oral only.
It's not related to whey. Not being a dick but that question makes me think you need to do more research before putting anything into your body.
I think your test is higher than it needs to be for a first cycle at your size, that's just me. When you run it higher you're more likely to see side effects. It's a cost/benefit thing. I would expect to see bigger deltas in sides from 350 to 500 than I would deltas between results. That...
Your testosterone went from 160 to 1500, it is definitely legit.
If you're estrogen sensitive, your arimidex is probably doing its job. You would just be even higher without it. Under 52 and you're managed. Estradiol isn't a "crush it as low as you can" thing, you want to be in range.
Hey Dylan, my bloods came back. This was the day after my last test cyp inj (it was 275 because there was extra left, nominally it was 200) and a 70mg "dbol" inj (nominally it was 60 EOD)...
It should be noted that the other half of my 420mg/wk Test Cyp was inj later that day, so if 2017...