I don't think he's using because he's huge and conditioned.
I think he's using because he's huge and conditioned and old, became substantially huge-er, in the span of a year or two, after looking more or less static, and already being very very well acquainted with diet and training. It's a...
7wk in. Feel great. I've added 75mg Test Prop E3D for the final 4 weeks before contest. That's going well.
But something else has come up. There's a record breakers event I've just learned of about 2w before comp. There's a National DL record in striking distance for my fed and weight...
Bold cyp/bold ace would be for anyone who wants to use boldenone but for whatever reason doesn't want a long cycle or a substance that hangs around in their system for a long time for testing considerations. I personally feel like the effects of test prop are stronger than slower test Esters...
Started + 40mg Tsst Prop 3xWk today for a total of 620 Test in run up to the contest. As I said this a common strongman finisher.
Little bit of PIP. I combine all 3 jabs: test/deca blend, deca blend, test prop. The test/deca blend is Blend 4 from PCOM. So it's nandrolone deca, NPP, test...
The speed and scope of winstrol's ability to do this is amazing. I'm on a pretty low dose of 20mg on off days and 30mg on training days for the final 6w and I'm really seeing it. And I am not super low body fat but I have new leg and calf veins. Ordered 200 more tabs for future LOL love it.
Halfway point. 6 weeks in, about 6w left. In 3 weeks, I will start jabbing 30mg Test Prop M/W/F. Frankly I refuse to jab every day. I don't mind a minor up and down. This is my substitute finisher for tbol since I don't trust it.
Weight is going up vascularity going up, and PRs. Biggest...
I am dropping my AI now that I'm off the dbol / it may not have been aromatizing anyway. I was using .5mg Arimidex EOD, I will drop to .5mg E3D. I don't seem to have much trouble with estrogen conversion beyond a certain point. I needed AI comparatively early on in TRT, after about a year and...
Since the dianabol didn't work out too well, I've decided to finish off the last 6 weeks of cycle with a very mild 20mg/d of oral winstrol. I am hoping that combined with my 280 deca, and at a moderate dose, I don't have too many problems with joint pain or aches. I'm anxious to see the...
Day 28
Stopped updating regularly just wasn't much to share. I am at 500 test / 280 deca and I've just finished 30mg/d dbol.
I got part of bloods today. I did patient ordered bloods and the testosterone panel isn't done yet but I was able to call in and get my other values. Protection was...
Thanks! I was seeing a physical therapist in recovery from my surgery so he worked on my biceps and shoulders and pecs every week with different techniques and I took time away from direct bicep training. I would say I trained my biceps once a week or less, directly. But that's not counting...
He said further up in this thread he got a SARMSX Shipment seized by customs in his country.
Also I read your own writeup on Evolutionary.org DG and you say 15-20mg ostarine/d for cutting.
I feel that this kid is being abused unreasonably in this thread. Some people walk in here stubbornly...
Day 14
The acne is finally starting a little. On the face. At week 2 I increased deca/npp blend from 140/wk to 275/wk. I have never used deca, so it was just cautiousness. Otherwise all is good. Tweaked my shoulder in a jerk 3D ago and deca is doing its job. It feels much better in a...
I injected the Pharma Lady Phenduren today and have no complaints. I backfilled from a syringe to save most of it and stored it in a cool, dry place. I will use .5/wk so it will take 2wk to use a 1ml ampoule. I'll use half of the 10 ampules on this cycle. Nice and round number.
My only...
I would say we need to know a lot more about you to give a useful answer. Please read the "read before posting" thread, it contains an outline of information that you should provide before asking for cycle or stack advice. I'll say two small things about performance enhancement for crossfit...