Hahaha talking about gas always cracks me up because it's just funny to think about but it's so damn natural. I had a guy I worked with a while back who had gas every 10-15 minutes the whole entire 8 to 10 hour shift lol and I asked why he had so much gas and it was basically his high protein...
Hmm yeah I've always wondered how this would mix with a trt dose of Test Cyp of 100mgs weekly. I'll definitely have to give this a run sometime with SR9009!
Nice man! I know a had a bunch of guys at the gym hating on me because I wanted to run Tbol and they said that it won't do anything for size and I just laughed. I said size really comes from the calories you consume. I consume 6 smaller meals a day along with my 1-2 protein shakes and they are...
Nice bro! Well I'll keep my eyes peeled man! I'm excited for you and I'm not even the one running all that good shit! Haha well enjoy the cycle and kill that shit!
Thank you brother! So TB-500 looks like it's one of the more popular ones because I've heard guys on other forums talking about the TB-500 for healing. I might have to check it out and see how will it'll work!
Speaking of the SR9009.. what have you guys seen as far as results go? I'm dying to try this mixed with GW! I was in the hospital for 6 days due to pneumonia and I was out another week to rest and I really want to get my endurance up!
So I'm dying to try oral turinabol to add to my trt but a lot of guys have been hating saying that it would almost be a waste of money and that it won't put any muscle on you and maybe if you're lucky it would help with strength and shedding body fat. It's hard to believe because I've ran the ph...
Would those peptides still work if I use a slin pin and do my quads if I wanted since the quads are the easiest for me or can I not pin the quads when it comes to peptides?
Yeah I have one at home but usually when I have injuries like this I have to wait it out first before I can use it because it's painful when I first fuck up my back. But I should start using it everyday and not forgetting because I also have scoliosis and I want to fix that!
Yeah so the ER prescribed me Baclofen and Prednisone. Hopefully the prednisone will help. I wish they would of prescribed some Vicodin and Percocet. It's not like I have an addictive personality and I could care less about opiates. I just wanted something to help me function over the weekend you...
I wish I could afford HGH. I don't know why endocronologists won't prescribe that shit. I'm 30. What's the difference if I start now or wait till I'm 40 and over? Even if I do 2ius.. nothing crazy! Just something to add to my trt for healing you know? But yeah I'll look into those peptides from...