So imo it's no way worth it. Finish off your cycle currently like just do it k dawg 💪 take 6 wks off. We all know it sux !!! 😔. But It's is basically a weeker Anavar in comparison. My girl will never use osta again. She says nothing is better then real Var and I agree 100% This is why mini...
Awesome thanks bro. How long ya run it for realistically. Ive heard everything from 6wks to 16 lol. Again if I'm gonna bridge to a solid Anabolics run S23 The way to go eh ? K dawg thanks👊
So I totally thought that aswell yet many have said that after the 6 wks Rad becomes extremely toxic also bore out on testing on Mice at wk 8 the liver has clear indicators of abuse wk 10 to 14 possible Jaundice heading towards failure. Now I'm not saying this is law. But If I ran it for 8 I'm...
So after 15 spring/summer tren test Mast Var cycles @age 46 I'm thinking of running a cycle without my tren and yes been reluctant to run any SARMS as I'm ole school and done over 50 cycles of Anabolics not wanting to become a goblin 😂 I figure I'm gonna run a 20mg daily Rad140 for 6 weeks...