Thank you! now, I apologize for this stupid question but I do not understand some of the abbreviations you make. For example: What means 9-12 tongkat ali?... What means 13-16?
What means gw? and what means 50/25/25/25? where can I buy the clomid? where can I buy the Sarms? I feel bad cuz...
Hi! Thanks for trying to help me! So, when I was in Colombia, everything was easy to get in terms of roids and whatnot. My goal was always to compete in the men's physique category but I could not do it since I was working to much at home. It really needs dedication and time. Now, I am in the US...
Hi! Thanks for trying to help me! So, when I was in Colombia, everything was easy to get in terms of roids and whatnot. My goal was always to compete in the men's physique category but I could not do it since I was working to much at home. It really needs dedication and time. Now, I am in the US...
Hi Dylan, I have been watching your videos. I really wan to give it a try to Sarms but I do not have any idea about them. I am 5'7 and 175 pounds. I had used steroids but I wan to try something new. I would like to know what could be my first cycle. Thanks!