I have read great things about Robo and IWGF super legit and stand up guys. One of these days I will try both.
At the moment I am running some Pharma Lady gear and am definitely happy with it.
I love the one stop shopping and most of all her prices are excellent. I always run the least...
I would look into some type of AI with the test and Dbol. 30mgs of winnie isn't gonna do much at 3 weeks. Winnie at 50mg would be alot better for a short 3 weeks.
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May want to grab some caber or B6 . May tell ya to diet down more also. Ever dance with Trenny ? Any mental issues? Life stable?
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Before coming here I almost ordered from them. Glad I never did. Have heard way to many stories of underdosed gear, packs not arriving or items missing. If you value your dough checkout the sources here.
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Hey Big Ant I hear mixed reviews about milk thistle. I go with Tudca these days 500mg anytime I take orals. Adrol is no joke. Also I know DGA has a cycle support which would help also.
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I would like to add that you should leave a 1/4 inch or so of the needle above the skin. Reason being if you snap the needle you have something to grab to pull it out. This rarely happens with 25 gauge and lower. Anything higher I would be aware. You never know. Safety first. Also I...
Excellent for sure...lower blood pressure is huge cause many of these ped's raise BP some more than others and sometimes even at low dosages.
On another note read your diet thread and must say it was excellent. So if you see a lot of pm's from me you will know why...
Sent from my SM-N910P...
Suprised you ran Ment ccbram after hearing you don't mess with orals. This stuff seems more toxic than some orals. I was actually considering running it also but was put off by the sides and I don't mind some dbol or winny every now and then.
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Looking forward to following this. Never really thought about sarms. Anything that gives me energy burns fat and helps blood pressure and recuperates the body. I am all ears. How much are you taking a day 20mg?
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I will be following....is the tren A, mast p, and test P a premade blend ? Was thinking about doing an entanate version of the above 3 at around 200-250 every 4 or 5 days . At a low dose of tren is caber really needed ? Or it all depends on your body. Also the 350 mg of the tren, mast and...
I will be following....is the tren A, mast p, and test P a premade blend ? Was thinking about doing an entanate version of the above 3 at around 200-250 every 4 or 5 days . At a low dose of tren is caber really needed ? Or it all depends on your body.
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