Why would you want to block DHT anyway, DHT is amazing. My body LOVES Winny and other DHT's.
I am not prone to MPB at all, but if I was I would just shave it off ;)
Actually no dude!! Your PCT is 4 weeks.
(Weeks number 13 through 16.)
Start your PCT right after the last day of your cycle.
Clomid @ 50mg per day for 7 days. And then Clomid @ 25mg per day for 21 days.
Then you are all done :) Wait 3 to 4 weeks and do another SARMs cycle!
All SARMs (except YK-11 and S-23) have very minimal suppression. You can stack 4 of them for example and still have minimal suppression. ALWAYS do a mini-PCT of Clomid.
Since it's ampules everything is sterile when drawing up. So as long as I desinfect the needle before putting the cap on again, everything is fine? :)
Should I then store them in the fridge or just at room temp?
Hey Dylan,
My girlfriend needs B12 injections, she was now told to do 1mg injections (in 2ml of fluid) of B12 once every 5 days... This is clearly NOT enough. (I do the injections on her)
She has been very, very ill a year ago, and her system still has not recovered from it. My question is:
Quick question on female sarm cycles. My girlfriend wants to use one soon as well.
Why do we taper up the dose of Ostarine while we start at 50mg per day on S4. Is that because Ostarine somehow acts differently in the female body or something?
You don't mean the "steroid alternative" D-bal right? Cause that shit is one good joke haha. I laugh my ass off every time I read something about it haha. xD
Yeah, wrong section. But it is fine dude. We will still help you out! ;)
LGD and S4 are amazing together. Both ran for 12 weeks.
12 weeks: LGD @ 10mg once per day
12 weeks: S4 @ 25mg twice per day
Then weeks 13 through 16 is your PCT:
Clomid 2 weeks at 50mg per day and then 2 weeks at 25mg...
Taurine also seems to boost natural testosterone when taken 3 times daily at about 5 grams every time. So 15g daily.
Potassium is the hardest to take in enough of. On Ebay there are bags of 2kg pure Taurine Gluconate :)
Forgive me for saying this, but could it "hurt" to go even higher with the EQ?
Or is there not really more of a benefit using 1000mg for example, opposed to 800mg?
Don't use steroids again man. At least for a very long time. For your knee you could run a SARMs only cycle, Dylan or Rick will hit you up with one. I think it would be wise to go with Ostarine only for now :)
I just read all of this and all I could say is... "Oh man..."
Do more research and get ALL of Dylan's videos on first cycles and Testosterone in your head. Watch them during every meal 2 times at least!!
Then go about reading yourself, just about Testosterone (and Aromasin), not other...