Hey bros,
My order just came in and I just want to make sure I’m doing this right from the get go. From what I understand from the bottle. 1ml from the measuring squeezer will be my 50mg of S4 and my 20mg of GW501516? Also I workout early in the morning before work. I wake up at 3:20am and...
6 minuet club right here. I think the fastest I’ve done was 5:15. Just makes me wonder if I ever had a serious cut or anything like that would I be prone to losing a lot of blood fast. I generally do bleed a lot on tiny cuts and random bloody noses. [emoji848]
Hey dudes quicker question I was just thinking. What would be more effective over a course of say 8 months. Running two sarms together or running one for 3 months and another one after your ptc and recovery for another three months? Would you make more gains with doubling them up for one cycle...
I’ve had it happen in two different places. Once on the backside of the shoulder and the other time was on the top front of the shoulder where the front delt is. All those areas are connected so having a tight spot in the shoulder blade can be pulling the other areas in top and front of your...
I have had similar issues with my shoulders. Always thinking it was a tear or pull or something that just needed time off. I would take months off and come back and try to bench with the same results. Finally I found that my pain was coming from knots in my upper back and shoulders, specifically...