You did all that in high school? Bodybuilding and Strongman? You must have some impressive stats? Show them to everyone
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Ha-ha see ya! Good luck to you cuz you won't get any help here. 130lbs and you wanna run tren lol. Oh yeah your trainer is a fucking idiot! Bye!
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Lol I know and besides were in a Heroin epidemic not oxys. Oxys aren't the problem now. And then you have your fentanyl and carfentanil which is popping up in the Midwest. Carfentanil is 9000 times stronger than regular fentanyl. Shit is used as a elephant tranquilizer
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So you did a cycle 4-5 years ago and you say PCT was bad and really no erections? Why the fuck haven't you went to the doctor?
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Another one from India. But you only weigh roughly 120lbs and your 22% body fat? You don't need steroids you need to eat a Elephant!
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Your in Miami and you can't find anything? Hell I'm mid-atlantic and I've already found 3! And NO he won't help you find a source!
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What the fuck is up with all these small guys from India running these stupid cycles? Especially when they weigh 130lbs
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Ha-ha lol sorry next time people should be more careful with whom they order from. What I mean is never order from a big flashy website that is promoting selling aas and has IFBB pros in their advertising. Dead giveaway not to mention they were in Florida
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