Quick question. I did go through GPZ labs and they came through. My question is now, are the 1 inch 18( for drawing) and the 1 inch 25 (pinning) okay or will they not work if I plan on pinning in my Glute. I read on some, some say you can others say 1.5 is the only way it works. Thoughts...
Thank you sir. I was on their site do you have to match the brand up with the slip offs or can you mix and match syringe and pins?
Sorry if my questions are amateur questions just want to do things right the first time
Been looking at websites for pins, can’t seem to find a letgit place that can give me 18 and 23-25 gauge snap offs so I don’t have to buy them serpertaly, if this isn’t the place I was suppose to post this please move. Just looking for something reliable and legit. My local stores are lame and...
Hey guys new here. Stock looks great though.
Just looking to get an idea of a first cycle been going through the forum and skeptical about getting someone shipped overseas. Domestic sounds more for me! Any help or advise would be great. 25 5’9 175lbs (down from 220 last November)
New. Looking for advice/ knowledge
Hey everyone. New here. Just recently started doing my research on doing my first cycle. I haven’t made any purchases due to skeptical reasons with reviews from some places.
Little bit about me: been in and out of the gym since I was 16(now 25). I’m 5’9...