If you take it 6 times a day every 3 hours it would mean you need to be awake 18 hours a day ready to take doses.
That leaves less than 6 hours for sleep which is very much counter productive for your diet & training.
It's also performance enhancer that allows you to keep training on the same level as on-cycle. This is also quite vital to keep the muscle mass.
It increases your endurance (V02 Max) and increases metabolism a little bit. Generally helps with fat burn
Gw keeps cortisol in check while in PCT.
You can leave it out, but that means losing more muscle mass than without it.
How much you lose depends on the amount of recovery you need. With LGD I wouldn't suggest dropping it out, it's usually recommended for every pct & LGD is the most suppressive SARM
50mg * 30 = 1500 mg
thats how much ur bottle has in it.
Since you'll be using 50/25/25/25 for ur PCT you'll be spending:
50*7+25*7+25*7+25*7 = 875mgs
There will be 625mgs left in the bottle after your PCT is done. One bottle is well enough
So it's middle of Week#7
Had a lot of stress this week both due to work & couple stupid arguments with family and gf. The stress resulted in lower amount of calories consumed than planned. It's not all bad since I still feel like I'm gaining more muscle than I'm losing fat. This is obviously...
Look into SARMs.
They cause very minimal sides & don't aromatize.
There's extremely low chance of getting any gyno symptoms if you got legit SARMs. Definitely no chance for hair loss as long as it's actually legit SARM.
And even then they could be very easily kept under control with minimal...
It's true.
DMZ doesn't give better gains than a good SARMs stack, but gives major suppression / shutdown which will most likely lead to loss of muscle mass.
In the end you'll gain less with this than a good SARMs stack.
It's legitimate question for some religions and beliefs like for example Muslims.
Even small amounts of certain animal products and alcohol are banned.
But yeah, JP got the question covered, it's suspended in alcohol. No other animal products involved in suspension
Just adjust calories to match the new maintenance from reduced training efficiency.
Obviously it's healthier to increase the amount of cardio instead of reducing calories, but you know the golden middle lane.
Nobody is going to suggest you with AAS since you're way too young.
The absolutely minimum age to even consider AAS would be 25.
SARMs in the other hand are a completely different story & can definitely help you, better than AAS.
You don't do oral only cycles. Dylan has made videos about that & you should take his word for it.
Consider trying SARMs. They are oral, the gains are good but totally keepable :)
Nice introduction & welcome to isarms!
1) With sarms you'll get the benefits in any fat%
2) If you use any suppressive sarms, you need mini pct. GW + SR would be the only combo that don't need it.
3) If you're interested in someone elses opinion, I'd say SARMs can definitely help achieving...
Why do SarmsX use everclear 190 instead of say... Spirytus 190 vodka?
Is there some difference in the final solution? Considering Spirytus is quite a lot cheaper with same %% of alcohol.
Tastes quite bad, depends on SARM a little bit.
Directly down the throat, not under tongue. Swallow straight.
Don't mix it with ANYTHING except 100% grapefruit juice.
You're supposed to use Caber for prolactin.
Aromasin 12.5mg eod from start of the cycle 'till end of PCT.
If you'd get estrogen sides simply bump the amount of Aromasin to 25mg eod
You are 22 years old weighting 155 kg naturally on 25% fat which means you have little under 120kg of fat-free body mass.
Congratulations, you'll be the biggest bodybuilder in the world once you start steroids (after waiting at least 3 more years before even considering that)
Week#6 starting
This week I've put more energy in cardio (4 times last week) but trained only 3 days in gym.
I can clearly see that Cardarine gives a lot more when combining with cardio training and not mostly weight training. I dropped over 1 kilogram of weight during the last 9 days and...
1)"What letter"?
2)"What is this testosterone you're talking about"? "Are you dumb or joking? You know testosterone is made in body and not bought, right :D"?
Definitely wait, don't use IGF at your age bro.
That's beyond recless to mess with anything in your body at that age.
Just train well & eat a lot. You'll grow more at that age than most of us on SARMs or Steroids if you train right & eat enough.