Yes that was my main concern with finasteride and in my opinion what’s the point of hair if your Dick doesn’t work lol. I did buy Rogaine but have not used it yet since I want to see what happens since I stopped the NPP and upped my other natural supplements like collagen and saw palmetto
NPP and since I stopped using it I have noticed a significant decrease in the hair shedding in only a week. Iv also used my dose of Saw palmetto and collagen as well as Pycnogenol
Yes Iv always know there was a risk but have literally never had this happen before and I have been running cycles for years now that’s why I’m in such shock. I have noticed that since I dropped the NPP the shedding has lessened.
I am taking saw Palmetto and I usually do, but I doubled my dose...
Yes that’s what I’m hoping but just prob stressing more then I should since it was more hair loss then I have experienced and I have ran that exact cycle many times.
Long term side effect even from the topical foam? I know they have sides and some pretty serious ones to but I can’t lose my hair and at this point will try anything I never thought I’d be the guy to worry about this since I have always had such thick full hair but this last cycle for what ever...
Ha prob spelt those wrong but anyways I’m looking for advice on what to use. This cycle I noticed significant hair loss so I stopped immediately.
Test -250 NPP-300
I want my hair back ASAP. What have you guys used any sides? Personal experiences with either one would be greatly appreciated. I...
I have always just thrown away sodium chloride water when it has come with HGH I have purchase and I forgot why I have always preferred to used BAC water as I believe it holds the property or integrity of the HGH longer:
Haha body dysmorphia our own worst enemy lol I get asked if I compete or am getting ready for a show pretty often but I naturally have a pretty low body percentage and fast metabolism also I feel like that’s just some bullshit people say yo start a convo now an days and cut into my workout lol...
I get shortness of breath on every cycle I juts made a post about Ferritin or RBC blood count you should check it out i think you will find some very informative information on there.
Excellent input man. Yes ferritin I know stores iron and I believe have to little iron can produce the loss of breath effect which I suffer from constantly on cycle. I am about to start another cycle in 4 days and this time around now that o have acquired this new info I will def check my levels...
Oh I have since I was donating every three weeks believe me I asked plenty of questions but most of them just have a phlebotomy certificate and don’t really have to much insight on much anything else
So I have always had an issue with my RBC on cycle and have had to donate multiple times sometimes within 3 weeks of the last donation.
I noticed that even after donating I will still have issue such has shortness of breath which is the worst and biggest concern of mine as well as head ache...