I’m nearing the end of a LDG + S4 stack myself and having read your review it sounds like your expectations were WAY too high. Getting ‘very big’ and ‘very strong’ from one 12 week cycle isn’t going to happen. Especially a sarms cycle. They’re not AAS.
8kg in 5 weeks? That isn’t happening. Need to re-evaluate those goals. Plus a 7 week cycle probably isn’t worth it. Other guys on here would be able to advise you further.
You’ll see results in the very short term, which won’t last. Plus you’ll have bottomed out your test levels which could cause long lasting damage to your endocrine system. Among the stupidest things you could do.
Day 68:
LDG – 10mg @ 5:45am
S4 – 25mg @ 5:45am, 25mg @ 11:00, 25mg @ 13:00
M1 MK – 3caps @ 6:30am, 2cap @ 17:00am, 2caps @ 19:30
Weight - 81.3kg (179.2lbs)
I've decided to ditch the Proviron for now as I've got another blood test at the doctors next Wednesday and I want to hide any levels...
Day 63:
LDG – 10mg @ 5:45am
S4 – 25mg @ 5:45am, 25mg @ 11:00, 25mg @ 13:00
Proviron - 50mg @ 13:00
M1 MK – 3caps @ 6:30am, 2cap @ 17:00am, 2caps @ 19:30
So I had a Dr appointment today to discuss my two latest blood tests that came back as low test and very low free test. Cut a long story...