Age 38
Height 190
Weight 97kg
Body fat around 12 to 15 percent
Trained on and off my whole life. Been full out now in the gym for 3 years.
Ran my first cycle last year. 350 test 4in 1 for 10 weeks
Ran cloned and Nolvadex for 4 weeks
Using usn protein shakes . Gaba at night. And mixed amonos...
How come does one keep it so close to each other. I thought your test must be higher than deca.
Running proviron every other day. Will run closed and Nolvadex for pct
Hi Dylan
How you doing?
Please advise.
I've just started a new cycle. Pharmacom labs.
Dbol= 3tabs then 2 tabs then 3 then 2 and so on so 30mg one day and 20mg the other.
Deca= 300mg (1ml) a week.
Test = 600mg sus 4 in 1 . 1ml Monday and 1ml Thursday
This will be run for 4 weeks
Then up the deca...