just an FYI i graduated with a 3.6 GPA from college and 3.93 from grad school and never took a damn thing, not even coffee.
having said that if you are having trouble focusing try shutting off electronics after sunset, this will make a huge difference. or use blue blocker glasses. also remove...
if you have been on trt for 6 years then there is probably a 2% chance you recover
the original doctor was right to avoid putting you on trt. Too many guys get put on trt nowadays who should not be on it and then five years later they changed their mind and regret it but now you see why you...
it seems that you and your body need to educate yourselves on how the body works
there is no such thing as preventing shutdown do you realize if such a thing existed everybody would be doing it and nobody would be on trt for life in their 30s
when you use anabolic steroids they shut you down...