I know that you have a deep love for drol, Rick. Had it sitting around, was hesitant to try it, but you, rebel and now Dylan only have positive stuff to say about it. It hasn't disappointed
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Been taking it for 14 days night right before bed. Feel great very little water retention up 7lbs. Full as can be, sometimes less is more.
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But your a student bro, haven't earned the title as of yet. As I respect your decision to be in the medical field the title hasn't been earned as of yet. It's like a recruit calling themselves a Soldier or Marine haven't earned that title yet.
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Thanks guys, sometimes I feel like a piece of garbage, because I neglected him. I guess this just proves I'm human. Humbles me
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I'm completely fucking confused, I live in Cluj-napocca and been to the Roman ruins near Deva. Never seen a Romanian wear a get up like that.
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Nah, just hate Apple. It's years behind technically, and commands the biggest price on the market. For some reason only North America hasn't figured out it sucks yet.
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I avoided opening this post, as I have kind of neglected hod as of late. Prayed every day when things where bad when things where good I completely forgot him.
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Oh shit, if it's the apple of UGL, I'm out. So you mean Valhalla is overpriced and under dosed Chinese crap, that Americans gobble up, to be hip and cool. Sorry couldn't exsist Apple proving Americans are complete morons one customer at a time.
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I remember Jerry ward, saying how great BioScam was. How he felt such a difference on it. Later revealed he was on a gram of test and 600mg of Decca plus 6 IOU of growth, but he felt the BioScam, lol
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