What is the lowest dose (10-20 MG) and length of time (6-8 weeks) cycle I can run ostarine and see decent results?
Will I encounter Suppression if I run low dose?
Will I need a PCT if I run on low dose ?
Should I get bloods done before I start and when I finish?
Hi there,
I just received Mk677 from S4S. The site says it should be 25mg/ml, but the label says it is 20mg/ml.
Has this happened to anyone else or could this be a miss-print?
Edit: When I look at the description it says 20mg/ml. But the picture says 25mg/ml.
Which is the best dose?
Thank you for your help. I'm a newb and wish I would have found this site before I listened to friends about where to buy and not needing a pct with sarms.
Am I okay to take mk677 and GW if I buy it from sarms.forsale ? Or should I just stop everything till I get my bloods?
Okay, is that what I ask my doctor for ? A full panel blood test ?
Should I stop taking mk677 as it was from the same shop ?
Also, how long does sarms.forsale take to ship ?
Okay, I will see if the doctor can switch it up. It is a bit weird for me as he did not know what a sarm was. Do you have advice on how to request these blood tests?
I went to Socalsupps from the main place mall in Orange County. After reading on this forum, I think I should have gone to one...
Okay, I'm scheduling appointment now. I do not mind telling the doctor the truth about what happened.
But what am I looking for with in blood work ?
spoke to doc, and he is jsut ordering a total testosterone blood test. Are there other hormones I should be testing for ?
Hi there,
I was running 10mg of rad 140 for 2 weeks and then 20mg of rad-140 for a 2 weeks (total of 4 weeks) before the gyms were forced to close again on 7/13/2020. I jumped off it the day of closure because I was unsure if I should continue taking it based on not being able to properly...