Now a days i have all my agents wear blackhawk gloves or turtle skin gloves but even then, sometimes the needle pokes through pant legs or on forearms etc... its still fucken nerve racking tho when this shit happens, its no joke
nope, in california thats not even illegal even if the syringe is full of drug. And even if we were able to charge them, here in california they would get treatment not jail time. If i remember correctly thanks to arnold (previous california governator) he legalized for people to safely secure...
For my job we arrest ALOT of tweakers. Ive had agents pricked many times during searches or while arresting subjects and ive had to send them to ER to receive HAART, cART and ART cocktails. This is by policy
no need, these days they have the "cocktail" you take so if accidentally pricked by HIV infection your fine. HIV medication has come a very long way, not like in the 80s lol
LGD-2226 – affects both muscle and bone.
S-40503 – selective for bone tissue, particularly low virilization, intended for osteoporosis and may be suitable for use in women.
S-23 – under development as a male hormonal contraceptive.
No i do not lol, first off its very expensive ... second i am usually primed and ready to go if i want within the hour @38 years old. Third why crush PRL ? even @ .25mg a week caber is strong enough to tank most peoples PRL
agreed, true high quality sarms should only suppress at best and never give complete shutdown. Or at least thats what ive noticed with sarsmx and thats why i will not be going elsewhere. why would i want complete shutdown if im using sarms that defeats some of the greatest benefits of what sarms...
^This here would actually be the difference between complete shutdown and suppression. With complete shutdown TT along with LH and FSH are effected, suppression would be just TT. Actual TT # is irrelevant and having a low T count would not mean complete shutdown. Good post
"Back to my original question though - if we assume that my prolactin levels are normal, does reducing it BEYOND normal range improve libido in any way"
No it doesn't not
This is very true... Pill press is what brought some my boys down here in nor Cali if anyone's heard of operation candy box
You know what may be helpful, antibiotics like cephalexin.. not sure if that's something to even consider but I've noticed a few people lately who's had concerns with possible infection's... Just a thought