Thank you very much! I've enjoyed getting to know you as well, you my friend have done awesome and have another great log that I have learned so much from. Now to work on the bottom of this vtaper that's starting haha 😊
Thank you very much CC. I appreciate your words! I learned so much from your log, thank you! I can't wait to see your pics!
And nope not the end just a new beginning to cut down even more 😊😊
I agree it is a huge competition with myself, we are our own worst critics.
Thank you my love! Thanks for pushing me and always having my back!you always know how to lift me up when im feeling down! I love you!!!
I am proud, but here comes the true test. I need to cut down way more so I gotta keep going! This isn't the end.
So as I know my log became kind of crappy towards the end. My workouts have taken a plunge since I hurt my back. However I can say I am no longer waking up with any type of pain. I think I've finally recovered.
Now as I stated before from July to November 2016 I wasn't posting much here as...
Yes I'm loving the strength gains from it! I can say I am super impressed with it. I hit numbers that I haven't ever hit once I started it. I'd go down to 5 though since you are retaining water. Or wait a few more days get a few more good lifting days in then back the dose down 😊
I only went up to 15mg for a few days and backed back down to 10mg 15 was too much. I'm not really noticing water retention, however I do know a few ran it at 20mg with water retention. I'd think at 10mg you shouldn't see much.
Are you getting enough potassium?
You're very welcome! Thanks for asking me to create this. I completely had a blonde moment haha! Hopefully they don't run out I'm gonna need some more...hahaha 😊