Thanks a ton for the detailed feedback guys and for taking the time to read all that I provided. All makes sense and Im glad I asked these questions. Will revise the plan and go from there. Honestly, struggled for a proper resource for these questions for many years, maybe a bit lazy to the...
Thanks DG, I know my body fat was a bit high but if I'm honest it has never been much lower. As I mentioned I definitely can get stricter with my diet and have in the past weeks. Attached is a photo week 10 of last cycle, I thought the gains and overall look was ok, sounds like I was probably...
Brothas, looking for some guidance on a few topics, new to the forum so appreciate in advance any responses. Thank you to DG, came across your videos 2 weeks ago and think I have viewed each and every one. Absolutely awesome knowledge and thanks for sharing man, helped me sort a lot of what I...