Sorry about that Dylan but anyways, This is going to be my first AAS cycle. Been lifting seriously for about 2 years and been doing my research for quite some time now and finally made the decision to make the jump into AAS.
Cycle history- 2 SARMS only cycles
Goals- lean bulk, and yes diet...
What's up guys looking to start my first cycle of test cyp here in about 2weeks. Here's my cycle layout,
1-12 test cyp 500mg week
1-14 Aromasin 12.5 mg eod
15-20 Pct
Clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
(Possibly throwing gw in pct)
Need opinions If cycle layout needs work...
Ok thanks Dylan! And also first 6 weeks while on tbol what's the best on cycle liver support? I know some say NAC, will that be enough or are there other things I should add, to stay protected?
Tbol cycle
What's up guys! Looking to start my first oral cycle along with test e, Decided to go with tbol. Looking to gain lean mass. Need help setting up a cycle plan, pct on cycle support, etc.... thanks guys!
Here's my cycle lay out
1-6wks 60mg ed
4-12wks 350mg test e pw
Ok thanks guys here's my cycle layout
1-12 test e 250mg pw
1-12 mast e 400mg pw
Pct 40/40/20/20 Nolva
Should I bump test up a little more Or just leave it as that?
Pct will start 2 weeks after last pin.
Will have AI on hand just incase.
What's up guys decided to go with test e and mast e. Decided to go with the longer esters due to not having time to pin eod as if I was running a shorter ester like p. Will test e and mast e have the same results as P?
Thanks man I appreciate it! Will be starting my cycle here in just a few days. Will have this cycle logged so I'd be able to share my experience with this stack to others.
What's up guys thinking about running this stack for my next cycle, has anyone ran this stack before? Need opinions on what I'd expect off this stack. Shooting for more of a hard dry aesthetic look....
8% bf
What's up Dylan looking to start my next sarm stack, just finished up on a 8week Osta cycle. Gained about 7lb of lean muscle mass. Pretty happy with my results but looking to start a serious stack asap. Looking to get that dry hard aesthetic physique look.
3 years of...
Need more info about s23, gonna start my next cycle soon and was thinking about adding s23 to my stack but could not find much info on it. I know it's simmilar to s4 but with out the vision side effects, Has anyone on here ran this compound before If so what was your experience on this?
What's up Dylan! Need advice for my first sarms bulk stack. figured I'd go to you for advice since you've had many years of experience on Sarms.
-21yrs of age
- height 5'9
-3 years of lifting experience
Just finished a 8week cycle on ostarine and gained 6lb of lean muscle which...
Thank you so much looking to start next week, also I got a friend of mine that's been lifting for awhile he's 19 and was looking to get started on a cycle of Sarms should I tell him to wait till he's at least 21, I mean I don't want the kid to run into early health problems. Would it be safe for...
Thank you so much Dylan if it wasn't for you, I think I would have started the cycle and continue taking them. So where can I buy the real ostrine mk2866? Any websites that you would recommend on getting the real legit Sarms? I know there's a few Sarms beside mk2866,will that be best for putting...
Thanks you so much man! I appreciate it! I've been taking it for 2 days but I stopped, do you think it messed me up? I'm just freaking out now you just told me that.
Hey how's it going Dylan, I recently bought a bottle of Sarms pharma war Mk-2866, I'm 145lb 5"11. I know that ostarine is used for a cutting cycle but increase lean muscle mass. I've been doing my reasearch but every forum that I go to seems to tell me that it's for cutting only and another...