Take the dropper straight to your mouth and swallow do not hold under your tongue, you can drink what ever you like as a chaser.
SarmsX has everything you need
I might cost more to run it at 40 but to me it is so much more convenient to only dose 4 instead of 6 times a day.
I didn't notice any negative sides either….ran it for 16 weeks
Eating (Fats) doesn't make you fat…I see this way too much
High protein…high fat….low carb….you don't get fat
High protein…high carb…low fat...you don't get fat
High fat…..high carb…..low protein...look out!
$12 an hour!!….shit the bed…I missed that boat, I only make $9.75/Hr getting handed loose change in front of Walmart from people saying "God bless you" Son….you have a face only a Mother can love…
Happy Easter!!