Hi everyone I've heard the taste of the sarms is pretty bad. Is it ok to chase it with something? Like maybe milk? And is there anything in particular that i should avoid taking them with?
Thank you
Hi everyone. Happy new year!
If I'm trying to bulk up with sarms should i be in a bigger calorie surplus than usual if I'm trying to bulk up because I'm gonna build more muscle, or just the same as if i was doing it without?
Thank you
Hi all and merry Christmas.
Im gonna start a s4 and lgd stack soon. Just wondering if im taking both in the morning,can i take them at the same time or should i wait a while then take the other one? (i know i gotta take s4 twice a day)
Thanks my man. I really appreciate it. I will stack them together then since you say they are the best combo. One question though. In my pct is it a good idea to be in calories deficit to lose some fat or should i keep my calories high and try burning some fat after pct?
Thanks for the help. I will run stacks in my upcoming cycles. Financially i couldn't do the stack at the moment. But do you think the 2 cycles of lgd and then s4 would bring good results?
Thanks my man. I really appreciate it. Yes i am gonna get them from sarmsx thanks to your great vids and info on youtube. I've learned all about sarms thanks to you. I'm at around 10 11 percent body fat at the moment im trying to cut down to around 9 then start the lgd. The reason im trying to...
Hi all.
I want to do a 12 week cycle of lgd then do a 12 weeks cutting cycle of s4. I don't want to do them at the same time. What's the best way to do this? Should i run the first then PCT and then right away the second cycle? Or maybe run both back to back then run PCT? Or another way?