Hey guys,
I'm 39yo
192 lbs
3rd cycle
Current cycle. ( I'm in wk 3)
Test cyp 500 mg wk 1-15
T3 50 mg ed wks 1-6
Anavar 40 mg ed wks 1-6
Winny oral 50 mg ed wks 13-17
Organ st wks 13-17
Aromasin 12.5 eod
Planning on 1000iu hcg every week starting next week through wk 17
Pct Clomid, Nolva, Post ct...
I'm gonna be running 50 Mg oral winny ed. ( With a test base of course). If I take the Organ ST then I'm good? I don't need any other supps for protection? How many come in a bottle and what's the daily dose. I'm only running the winny for 6 weeks. Is 2 bottles enough?
Hey Dylan. I wanna get the buy 2 get 1 free special on the Organ ST but I don't need 3 bottles of it. I want the 3rd bottle to be the Post CT. Is that possible? How do I go about it? Thanks
Thank you so much for the help. Btw Dylan, even though I'm not big on social media, I did what u asked and contacted YouTube on fb and asked them to put u back on. Where can I find all your videos now?
Thanks for all the help. One last question... Is it safe to run a fat burner w Ephedra while running a cycle of test cyp @ 500 a wk and Anavar at 40 mg a day?
So then any order have to pass throigh customs right? How is it that they claim to have a 100% delivery rating and that packages are received in under 2 weeks? Just wondering how they're different than all the other international sources.
I'm taking 30 mg of winni a day. Is it wise to split up the dosages throughout the day or should I take it all at once. Also, if I do split the dosage in two. What's the best way?
Quick question... I'm tracking my macros and calories and Im in a defecit for losing body fat. Im not sure I understand what to do w the extra defecit on the days I do cardio. I can burn about 200 calories in 20 minutes on the eliptical. Should I consume an extra 200 calories on cardio days...