Alright that makes alot of sense actually! I can't believe the help I'm getting I was very sceptical because I haven't been on a forum before, thank you alot
Ya if you could give me a lay out that would be great definitely would appreciate it, I don't have prior experience with either of them but I'm definitely open to options.
I'm 212lbs 12% bf. I've cut down from 230 17% bf, with nothing, I've only done two cycles before this one and it was about 3 years ago. Diets been pretty strict cardio in the morning weights at night followed by incline walking
Hey I was looking into doing a body recomp with test enth, eq, and primo. But recently found out that eq can sometimes give anxiety problems, I have had problems withis in the past and don't want to bring up any problems, is there something else I could use or maybe a good suggested stack?