I just want some additional advice about what I should consider for my second cycle. I'm trying to add more lean muscle. I'm 31 5'9 158lbs at 9%bf. I ran a test c my first cycle went from 145 to 160
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I want to add in arms on chest and back days. That would free up an extra chest only or chest and anything else day
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Maybe I wrote that last message wrong, I have been working my body parts once a week for the last two months. Is that a problem?
Arm, Legs, rest,chest, back, sholders, rest, then repeat
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I have been doing a chest day for for 2 months. I isolate every body part. I want to start doing chest twice a week
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Hell yea I think I that's the trick. I'm going to do this on areas for now on and keep it changing. Having the same movements every week worked great to get me where I'm at but now its time to turn it up. thanks again for all your help with all my gainzzzz
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My chest is sore as hell and I am loving it, did flat dumbbells and superset it with dumbbell flys then hammer chest presses and that machine that you sit down in and push down like a dip. No name on it but it kills my chest and tris. Finished with pec Dec I need to learn some more isolation...