Is that 6lbs of water or 6lbs of fat? Whats the tape say?
I should add this isnt a cunty question, just curious. I can swing my weight by 7 lbs in a day pretty easily, which is just water and glycogen.
Im intending to do a "cram" session with sr and get this last 10 lbs of fat off.
Between traveling and a maintenance period Ive been holding my body weight for about 6-8 weeks, and my waist is 32.75, I want to get to the other side of 32. Thats measuring at the naval area not bottom of my ribs, I wished I could hit that number lol
Im thinking that any boost like this, it would increase work output, recovery, and add some additional gains. I wouldnt want to get to crazy with the cals, because I hate the thought of ever being over 12% bf again lol
Would sr9009 work for lean bulking?
I were thinking (uh oh) that if it revs metabolic rate, that if you lean bulk on 3200 cals, perhaps one could get into the 3800-4k range and have better gains and less fat retention.
I agree with all the statements saying "nah" I were just curious.
I like starting with prop and cyp/enan then drop the prop about 6wls in, then start orals, just my preference. I like orals with the full test load.
The theory is (best I understand it) is the massive dose releases a higher dose sooner, meaning. If you take 250mg enan, it releases 25mg's the first week, and you do it again the following, now youre releasing 50mg's and so on. If you take the massive dose you are releasing a higher...
Ive heard of some guys (claim) that you can "defeat" ester lag with a massive up front dose tapering down to your average dose.
Something like you want 400/wk test E
First week 1600
second 1gm
Third 800
fourth 400
Im probably messing up the numbers but its something like that.
That's what I thought, there has been some general talk around the last few years of running test as straight base at around 200-250 and running everything else higher to prevent competition at the receptors.
250 and 200 sounds good to me. 1 ml of each a week for about 22wks with an oral...
Dbol is so awesome, except the water. Im a big responder to dbol. Naposims and pink thais, i need at MOST 15mg a day, and I feel like I can pull the world
Im a member of a group on fb that is primarily "nattys" and they have false expectations of gear to. Pretty their mindset is if you take gear you can eat wedding cakes everyday, train 5 minutes, and you'll be jacked lol