My goals during my bridge period will be to keep (or even add onto) as much lean muscle mass as I can - continuing to bust my ass in the gym as always - while working on further decreasing overall bodyfat percentage (in prep for my next cycle). Again, I've not got my eye set on competing in...
I've run two previous pro-hormone cycles in the past - each time with proper liver support and pct.
This has been my first "test" cycle - which is why you don't see a crazy list of supplemental anabolics for this first one.
(so far so good, by the way ... definitely am seeing/feeling lean muscle...
Been taking 12.5 mg Aromasin all throughout this cycle.
QUESTION in that regard . . . I've seen liquid forms of aromasin (exemestane) available (such as through SARMSX) ... just as effective?
Goals are to add on as much lean muscle as I can within this cycle - while keeping the bodyfat and water retention buildup as minimal as possible.
(probably pretty typical goals - for the most part). I'm not looking to compete in any shows or anything like that.
AGE: 46...
So with MK677 being a growth hormone secretagogue, I was wondering what you all think the potential results/interaction might be by adding MK677 (25mg/day) to a 500mg/week Test-E 16 week cycle.
Might I inquire (to those who have ordered/received product) . . . are any of you in the U.S.?
I ask because I am relatively new to the iSarms Community here and I very recently had a bad experience with a different "provider" - as in "U.S. Customs Seizure Letter" bad.
Naturally, I am...
I kind of figured that was the reason - i.e. "didn't live up to the hype."
And here I was going to ask if you might do a video on it . . . yah, nevermind now. ;)
Thanks Dylan !!
Seriously Bro . . . What you need first is to go back to school and finish your primary/secondary education.
I'm sorry, but someone who claims to be 37 and can't spell worth a lick probably shouldn't be using gear/chemicals.
I watched Dylan's great video on S4 and was wondering if S4 is something that can be used as part of/with an anabolics cycle - perhaps replacing Winstrol or Anavar at the end?