That's perfect . Thanks Dylan . I learn alot from you bro . I watch all your videos . It's funny how many people do this shit the wrong way and put themselves in danger . I tell people that have running gear for years what I learn from you and they dont know anything about protection or...
Thanks RickRock I'm in the 3rd week and I have no water retention at all and gained 8 pnds lean muscle . I never thought deca would be this dry I always heard bad stuff but not true at all
I'm running all my supports
Cycle assist
Caber & GW 501516
I just had my blood done and everything is perfect and il get it done again before I was planning on starting the winstrol . Thanks brother appreciate it
I'm trying something different this year . I'm running a bulking cycle till the end of May them I'm gonna Cruise thru summer on
200 Cyp wk
200 primo wk
I'm currently running
Test E 500Mg wk
Eq 600mg wk
Deca 300mg wk
Anadrol 50mg a day
Winstrol as a finisher last 6 weeks at 50mg a day
Hey everyone first time poster and need some help . I'm 39 5' 10 215pnds 13%Bf. I'm currently on a bulking cycle
Test E 500mg wk
Eq 600mg wk
Deca 300mg wk
Anadrol 50mg a day
I Kickstarated the cycle with anadrol and going to take for four weeks and I want to finish the cycle with winstrol...