Would I see much benefits to adding YK 11 to a HGH, Test and NPP stack? If so, what is the recommended dosage? I'm on TRT so I presume that I wouldn't need to do any PCT.
Hi -
I'm currently on TRT along with MK, S4, Cardarine and SR9009 (cutting down a little). This is my "bridge" in between 500 Test and then sometime 500 Deca.
I'm 5'10, 215 lbs and around 10% BF (Per InBody scales). I track my nutrition religiously and lift weights 5-6 days/week and do 2-3...
I've finally received my 12 Week Bulk Cycle from ESarms (https://www.esarms.com/product/12-week-bulking-stack/)
What is the correct timing of the day (morning, pre, post, night) to take each of the SARMs? Do I split the dose or do a full dose at once?
Additionally, I like to take a preworkout...
Im about to start a Test/Deca Cycle (500 Test C and 300 Deca...Deca is primarily for Joints but also some muscle growth..if I tolerate it will I will up the dosage). I have a coule bottles of Liquid Prami on hand. What is the proper dosage and should I run it from Day 1? FYI I take .25 of...
Does anyone run MK667 along side Ipamorelin? Im on MK 667 (25mg in the AM) but came across some Ipamorelin for free (one month supply) for free. Any benefit to using it?
I’ve been dosing 25mgs of MK 667 in the evening. I fall right asleep but start tossing and turning around 4 hours later and get poor sleep for the next couple hours. Alternatively, I switched to dosing in the AM and the hunger was INSANE. If I continue to dose in the evening is it likely that...