Thats exactly what I needed to see, thanks for the video link. I figure with not knowing how my body reacts to estrogen no need to risk not taking the aramosin throughout the cycle. Ill see how my body responds but aim for 12.5mg eod as a start.
Yeah thats what im going to do, glad I posted in here as I was going to run the dbol based off what I had been reading elsewhere saying its fine even part of a first cycle. Id rather not mess myself up for future cycles. So my question now is should I be taking the aramosin from the start or...
Its my first cycle, I briefly mentioned it in the stats part of my first post. But as of now looks like ill drop the dbol and save it for a future cycle and just run the test.
So I will just stick with the test first time around. I usually do higher volume so probably better to hammer out a real good workout per body part once per week. Maybe change it up every now and then and drop volume and go for lower reps and more weight. Guess ill have to play around with it...
Plan for dbol was 25mg for 4 weeks but if you think its too much ill save it for a future cycle and just run test e 500mg a week split into 2 250mg doses for 12 weeks.
Hey everyone, so ive been doing a lot of reading and have asked many people but figure it wouldnt hurt to get a few more opinions or points of view. Tomorrow I will be starting a cycle of test enanthate and dbol, have aramosin to monitor estrogen and clomid and nolva for pct. My question is...